The EOY is all about survival, isn't it?! Here are our favorite ways to get through the last little bit!
Special Memories!
Making this ABC chart to remember all of the details of the school year is really fun! It is fun to see what the kiddos recall and they also love putting their names on the chart!
Special Visitors
We love hosting current Kindergartners (rising 1st Graders) in our classroom! First graders love showing the Kindergartners around the room, talking to them and answering questions. We love to do a read aloud and create this chart all together! Grab First Grade Stinks on Amazon! (affiliate link)
Special Centers!
We have an End of the Year Review pack for 1st Grade that has Math and ELA center tasks to review 1st Grade skills. It's great to give as independent or partner centers as you are busy completing end of year assessments!
Grab this pack on TpT!
Need something more simple! Our May Print + Play centers are easy to prep and require just a few math manipulatives to play!
Grab this pack on TpT!
Special Tasks!
Have your kiddos reflect on the year and think about the summer ahead! Grab this FREE template here!
Have your kiddos write a letter to Next Year's Teacher! Grab this FREE template here!
Special Days!
Plan for Special Days during the last week of school!
Art and Crafts Day: This is a chance for kiddos to make pretty much whatever their little hearts desire! We ask for craft item donations and let them use anything we get. We add things from the classroom that we have as well. This turns out messy but fun!
Game Day: We ask kiddos to bring board games. We let the kiddos rotate through the games so they can play as many as they can. This day is usually a big hit!
Centers Day: We have Math, Science, and Word Work centers set up. The centers are quick, easy things that review the work we've done.
Read and Relax Day: The kiddos bring beach towels and books from home. Usually on this day we bring a fun treat for them to enjoy while reading.
Special Project: This is our End of Year "party" per say. Our room parents plan this. Usually it's a summer craft (like visor or water bottle), snack of some kind, and a game.
If you'd like to have an End of the Year Fun Week, click the pictures below for the parent letter and center signs! The letter allows you to write the dates in that work best for your class.
Good Luck!