If so, we have a few activities you can try out to help your kiddos see the similarities and differences between the two types of text.
Class Discussion + Anchor Chart
Select 2 books on one topic. As a class, take a picture walk through both books. Decide which is fiction and which is nonfiction. Have your kiddos help you make post it notes to label their reasons.
Daily 5 Bucket Book Sort
Have your students sort books in their Daily 5 buckets (or independent reading buckets) into 2 piles; fiction / nonfiction.
Once all of the students have their Daily 5 buckets sorted into 2 piles, do a gallery walk around the room to have students look at everyone's sorting. This leads to great conversation.
Scholastic Book Club Sort
Use a Scholastic Book Club flyer to have students sort book covers into 2 columns; fiction / nonfiction.
One tip for this is to check in with students after sorting but prior to gluing so you can clear up any misconceptions kiddos may have.
Use our FREE Fiction or Nonfiction pack to have students analyze fiction vs. nonfiction.
There are several opportunities for students to practice and show their thinking. Grab this freebie HERE! Check them out below:
There are several opportunities for students to practice and show their thinking. Grab this freebie HERE! Check them out below:
Fiction or Nonfiction Features Sorting Page
Walk Around the Room Fiction / Nonfiction Scenarios
Judge a Book By its Cover Page // Take a Closer Look Pages
Follow up your lesson with a Print a Standard pack! These printable packs have 6 different task sheets for extension, re-teaching, independent work ,and assessment! Find the RL 1.5 standard (fiction vs. nonfiction) HERE.
Boost your Fiction vs. Nonfiction teaching lessons with this Reader Ready pack for the RL.5 standard (fiction vs. nonfiction)! It includes a 'Good Reader' Tool, anchor chart idea, and multiple practice pages! That can be found HERE!